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ICF Membership | International Catchball Federation

By joining ICF, you will benefit from ICF'S credibility, its unsurpassed knowledge and support.

In order to join you will be asked to fill up an application form and have it officially signed by your organization - only a single member per country may join. The appication, countersigned by the ICF, is an approval of your membership at the ICF according to the rules and regulations of the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CATCHBALL FEDERATION




a. Under the name “INTERNATIONAL CATCHBALL FEDERATION” (hereinafter “ICF”) a non-profit making corporation has been formed regulated by the present Articles of Association and accessorily by the articles 60 and following of the Civil Code of Switzerland.

b. The registered office of the ICF is in Berne (Switzerland).

c. The ICF is founded for an unlimited period of time.

d. The ICF can decide its dissolution at any time.




a. To encourage the development and promotion of Catchball (also known as "Cachibol" and "Newcomb Ball") as a sport as such and on an international level

b. To unite members worldwide

c. To organize and conduct international tournaments and championships

d. To establish rules and regulations as well as to ensure their implementation




a. The ICF will host an annual internatioal competition at a location chosen by the executive board. The Rules of Competition, the Playing System for each Championship and the Rules for Advertising shall be distributed annually to each Member Association.

b. The Rules of Play shall be published in ICF's website unless otherwise stated.

c. The Medical Code of the International Olympic Committee shall apply in all cases relating to the misuse of drugs or medicaments.

To become an ICF member contact:

Thanks for submitting!

What is Catchball ?

Catchball is a social start-up started in Israel combining sports with social activity. It is known to unify communities, empower women, entice them to participate in physical activity and build their leadership skills. Catchball has encouraged women to become active in sports, often after years of physical inactivity. 

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