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5th annual USA Catchball Games -
Las vegas Feb 28- March 1st ,2020 |
Usa Catchball Association

USA Catchball association.jpg

The 5th Annual USA Catchball Games will take place in Las Vegas on 2/28-3/1 2020. Registration is now open to all teams.

Team registration will be available until Sep 30th, 2019.

Individual registration will be open until Oct 3oth 2019.

How to register:

  1. Download and read carefully the tournament regulation document

  2. Team captain will register the team using the below link - use your social security number as your ID. This should be done no later than 9.30.2019 - there is no fee for team registration

  3. Once the team captain registers, the players need to register and pay (A link for players' registration will be published later on) this should be done no later than 10.30.2019

  4. Upon completion of team registration, we recommend booking your rooms at the Mirage hotel in which we have a group rate. Details about the rate will be sent to you.


  • Min. nu. of players per team should be 8

  • Each team can register 1 coach and 1 assistant coach

  • Teams should bring their own balls for practice and games

  • Teams must have a team jersey with numbers front and back

  • Players must be members of the USA Catchball Association to get the discounted rate

  • Cancelation is free of charge until 10.30.2019, after this date there will be no refund

Tournament plan:

According to the number and level of the teams we will publish the game plan prior to the competition in the "Loglig" App – we recommend downloading the app in IOS app store or google play


  • Tournament cost is $165 for USA Catchball members and $185 for non-members, including:

    • 3 days of games

    • Trophies to the first 3 teams

    • Medals to all participants

    • Team jersey

    • Personal gift

    • Friday night dinner party including transportation

    • light lunch at the venue 

Las Vegas Catchball Games 2020
What is Catchball ?

Catchball is a social start-up started in Israel combining sports with social activity. It is known to unify communities, empower women, entice them to participate in physical activity and build their leadership skills. Catchball has encouraged women to become active in sports, often after years of physical inactivity. 

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